( Conservation and promotion of cultural heritage )

The role of cultural heritage plays an important role in the processes of sustainable development and building a peaceful society. That is why international organizations determine global frameworks of behavior towards heritage by legal regulation, and the European Union enables financial instruments to implement programs and projects for its preservation and protection.

Blidinje Nature Park is a natural geographical and historical entity in which the intensive life of various civilizations that have left traces of their existence here has been taking place for thousands of years. The continuity of settlement of this area can be traced through the Bronze, Iron and Roman Ages.

Promoting the idea of ​​the importance of protecting our cultural heritage is one of the strategic areas of activity of Meridijan.

Cultural heritage is not limited to those elements that are officially recognized as such by national authorities but also includes those elements that local people and local authorities consider heritage, so it includes oral traditions and expressions, traditional crafts, tools and tools, folk art, traditional music and costumes and various social practices, customs and various traditional manifestations.

In addition to contributing to the creation of a peaceful and democratic society, the protection and maintenance of cultural heritage raises tourism to a higher level of quality and offer, so the cultural heritage of this area deserves greater care and commitment. A high degree of promotion of archeological sites and ethnological heritage that provide insight into the history of the Blidinje area improve the quality of tourism development. Recognizing the meaning of heritage is a shared responsibility of all of us to preserve the trace of our ancestors in the history of this country. With the projects of preservation and valorization of cultural heritage, Meridijan wants to contribute to the creation of an authentic cultural experience that all visitors of the Park will experience.

  • Raising awareness of the importance of protecting the tangible and intangible heritage of the Blidinje Nature Park. By promoting a broader understanding of heritage and its significance for the community and society, we encourage the public to understand that the customs of our ancestors and the places where they lived are not in themselves important for cultural heritage. They are important both because of the meaning we attach to them and the values ​​they represent for the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Raising awareness of the importance of cultural heritage by involving a growing number of individuals and the local community will result in the preservation of the valuable heritage of this area.
  • Promotion of cultural heritage through digital media. In July 2020, we launched a project to establish a web portal E-tno collection whose goal is to collect traditional tools and objects used by our ancestors in the Blidinje Nature Park, their digitization and promotion of cultural heritage. The goal of the project contributes to the development of culture and is in line with the strategy of cultural policy in BiH because it promotes cultural values ​​through the media, and strives to preserve cultural heritage in BiH.
  • The importance of the role of cultural heritage in building a peaceful and democratic society in our country and in the processes of sustainable development and promotion of cultural diversity. It is extremely important to provide the younger generations with information about the cultural heritage of the area in which they live.
  • Strengthening synergies between civil society organizations and the local community is a prerequisite for preserving cultural heritage and achieving sustainable development. Involving the local community as one of the key actors in the process of protection and preservation of cultural heritage additionally has an impact on raising awareness of the value of cultural heritage, and increasing motivation to revitalize forgotten practices and knowledge.
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina is a candidate country for accession to the European Union. Since this area inherits an exceptional culture and customs, the coming period opens up opportunities for many projects in the field of cultural tourism and has realistic opportunities for tourist valorization.
  • Blidinje Nature Park is an area with a strong heritage that can contribute to sustainable economic development for the benefit of the local community. An important aspect of cultural heritage for the Blidinje Nature Park is the intangible cultural heritage that includes speech, customs, skills and knowledge of the local community. An important part of the intangible cultural heritage relates to local legends, stories and traditions of which there are indeed many in this area. Efforts need to be made to ensure that these often unrecognized forms of heritage are not neglected and left to oblivion.

Conservation of natural resources and environment

Creating a long-term and effective platform for connecting people and developing communication in order to promote the interests of the local community.

Achieving future sustainable development

Encouraging the conscientious use of fertilizers in agricultural activities in order to reduce pollution and preserve the soil and lake inhabited by many endemic species.

Conservation and promotion of cultural heritage

Promotion of knowledge of basic ecological principles and coexistence with nature, for sustainable development and a healthy future for the next generations.

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